Call for Participation

This workshop explores the intersections between data, diverse practices of sustainability, digital technologies, and the work of making data meaningful and actionable for diverse stakeholders.

Data, in the broad sense of information about a certain entity or phenomenon, have the potential to promote and initiate actions towards more sustainable futures. The acquisition, representation, and accessibility of environmental data (e.g., information about harmful air particles, global temperature patterns, biodiversity) have, to a large degree, resulted in increased awareness and in-depth understanding of global sustainability issues. Providing awareness about specific pollutants might, for instance, inspire people to change their individual behaviors and habits. Societal and infrastructural changes, stemming from the use of environmental data, require however a more ecological understanding of how data are made meaningful and actionable.

This workshop seeks to develop conceptual, empirical, and technological understandings showing how the use of environmental data is shaped by broader sociotechnical practices and by the work performed by various actors to promote, or hinder, acts of care for the environment. Moreover, it sets out to explore the collaborations and partnerships that make the use of environmental data possible, as well as the political, ethical, and economic relations underpinning the creation of such alliances.

We welcome researchers, practitioners, designers, and other actors who find this call relevant to their work and/or life practices. This one-day workshop will include short presentations and outdoor explorations of urban data practices for which sustainability is key. It will entail group and plenary discussions on how data can become valuable resources for actions aiming at environmental care.

We encourage participants to submit a 2-4 page position paper (references excluded) in the ACM single-column format, either by using the Word or Latex template.
The workshop organizers will review the submissions which will be selected based on their quality and relevance to the workshop themes. At least one author of each accepted paper must attend the workshop` and register for it. We will do our best to accommodate specific accessibility needs participants might have. Authors are invited to specify any particular requirement in their position papers, or by directly contacting the organizers.

Position papers can be sent to
Extended deadline: September 8, 2023
Notification of Acceptance: September 10th, 2023