
Chiara Rossitto is Associate Professor of HCI at Stockholm Uni-
versity, Sweden, and visiting Professor at the Centre on Sustainable
and Digital Transformation, Aalborg University, Denmark. Her
work explores questions related to more sustainable futures, social
change, community-led initiatives, and the politics of design. She
is the principal investigator of a project that explores relational
perspectives within Sustainable HCI, and how care for the envi-
ronment in waste management practices can be enabled through
digital technologies and multi-stakeholders engagement.

Martin Lindrup is a PhD Student at the Department of Com-
puter Science at Aalborg University, Denmark. Through his work,
Martin explores and designs for the various roles of environmental
data in everyday interactions with food and technology.

Rob Comber is an Associate Professor at the KTH Royal Institute
of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. He is part of the Sustainable
Futures research team and works across issues of social and envi-
ronmental sustainability from a critical feminist perspective. He
has run workshops at CHI, DIS, and UbiComp and is the subcom-
mittee chair for the CHI Subcommittee on Critical and Sustainable

Jakob Tholander is Associate Professor in Human-Computer
Interaction at the Department of Computer and Systems Science
at Stockholm University. Jakob has been involved in a number of
research projects, including tangible and embodied interaction and
sustainable interaction, which currently includes work on how to
design for digital stewardship.

Mattias Jacobsson is Assistant Professor at the Department of Me-
dia Technology at Södertörn University. Mattias is doing research
within the field of HCI and interaction design around topics related
to change by means of design – e.g., social aspects, health, lifestyle,
and care for the environment.

Alex Cabral is a PhD Candidate in Computer Science at Har-
vard University. Her research is focused on designing large-scale,
wireless sensor networks for urban environmental sensing, with
an emphasis on real-world deployments and the usage of open data.

Rikke Hagensby Jensen is Assistant Professor at Aalborg Uni-
versity, Denmark. Rikke’s research lies at the intersection of sus-
tainability and design. She currently works with interaction design,
environmental data, and alternative, sustainable futures with an
emphasis on how digital technology may shape everyday social
practices in a more caring, collective, and sustainable wa

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